Hi! I'm Josh Hill, a software engineer at Form3. I enjoy people, stories* and thoughtful discussions.
*who painted this familiar looking Venetian?
f3: the tool we use to scale
I delivered this talk at Gophercon Europe 2021 from my desk at home. I gave a demo of the internal tooling that we use at Form3 every day.
How NOT to build a pipeline
Mirah and I delivered this talk at the Concourse London User Group at Pivotal London’s office. We shared the mistakes and anti-patterns we discovered in our team’s Concourse CI pipelines over the last six months.
Reviving the platform every day
Emmanouil Kiagias and I talked at Cloud Foundry EU Summit 2018 about the disaster recovery acceptance tests for Cloud Foundry. This talk is about how we deliver and maintain this critical feature of the platform across many teams and time zones.
At near terminal velocity, breaking through the layers of clouds I finally emerge to see the world growing ever larger beneath me. The most prominent feature being a small island not far from the coast, that at first seems to be completely green. The island has a tall peak at one end that sweeps down to the sea on the other side. Closer still and I can begin to see the buildings tucked behind the dense tropical foliage. Suddenly I am aware of my surroundings, it’s Hong Kong the setting for my childhood.
Working together
I talked about my first year of pair programming at the London Ruby User Group’s September 2016 meeting. I heard about pair programming a few years ago and tried it a few times. Last year, I jumped in and started pairing full-time. Working so closely with clients, colleagues, juniors and seniors was challenging. Now I enjoy pairing more than flying solo and I’ve seen the benefits for myself and my teammates. This talk is about the challenges and benefits of working more closely with one another.
Knot programming
At the first Makers Alumni talks night, I told the story of how I learned how to tie knots on boats. It’s a practical skill with elegant results, and many more ways to put you in a bind. Disclaimer: this talk is not about knots. It’s about the challenges of learning by doing; about enough to keep the boat sailing.
Not the Josh you expected?
- Josh Hill the racing driver, son of Damon Hill
- Josh Hill the professional Aussie rules footballer
- Joshua Hill the adventurer and Pitcairn Island leader